Elon Musk’s 700mph hyperloop idea may become the quickest way to travel.

The Hyperloop is a futuristic mode of ground transportation that allows people to travel at speeds of up to 700 mph (1100 km/h) in floating pods that race along within enormous low-pressure tubes that are either above or below ground.

The technology is a high-speed vacuum tube developed by Elon Musk’s aerospace transportation business SpaceX. Elon Musk developed the Hyperloop concept in response to the approval of California’s high-speed rail system. In comparison to the rest of the world’s trains, it was a high-priced, low-speed ordinary train.

Musk publicly said in his formal announcement of the Hyperloop’s debut in 2013 that the fundamental reason for a statewide mass transportation system is a good motivator and the alternative to flying or driving is required, but only if it is better than flying or driving. In comparison to the alternatives, it is roughly what it should be:

  • Safer 
  • Faster
  • Less expensive
  • More practical
  • Weather resistance
  • Self-sufficient on a long-term basis
  • Earthquake-resistant
  • It is not inconvenient for people who live along the path.

These are the characteristics that Elon Musk has added in his latest venture, the Hyperloop. The technical description of Hyperloop is a transportation system based on capsules levitating inside low-pressure tunnels, with an air compressor mounted in the nose to prevent the influence of current compression on speed.

Musk’s concept was to travel more than 600 kilometres (about 6 hours by vehicle) in just 35 minutes. Not only did he want this endeavour to be the quickest, but also the cheapest. The anticipated cost for a route between San Francisco and Los Angeles is $6 billion, which is significantly less than the cost of the first phase of California’s high-speed rail ($68 billion).

Hyperloop supporters are saying that it would be cheaper and faster than rail or vehicle travel, and also cheaper and less polluting than air travel. They believe that hyperloop technology may be used to alleviate traffic congestion and make intercity travel more convenient.

Although it is unclear where Hyperloops would be built, ZDNET says that a number of businesses have proposed routes in the United States, Europe, and abroad. Potential routes include New York-Washington DC, Pune-Mumbai, Kansas City-St. Louis, Bratislava-Brno, Vijaywada-Amaravati, and many more.

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