A satellite that will broadcast advertisements from the sky.

According to media reports, SpaceX intends to launch a Canadian advertisement-beaming satellite into space that will ultimately take payments in Dogecoin.

According to Business Insider, Geometric Energy Corp, a Canadian firm, wants to launch the advertising system into orbit on a tiny cubesat in early 2022 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket destined for the moon. (The cryptocurrency-powered mission was made public in May, but not the advertising component.)

Keeping with the cryptocurrency aim of the ridesharing, purchasing ads for the cubesat looks to be entirely decentralized financing alternatives, such as Ethereum.

According to Business Insider, the cubesat will break from the rocket before reaching the moon, allowing it to remain in Earth orbit. The cubesat will then deploy a selfie stick to film a display screen. The film will be broadcast straight to Twitter or YouTube, allowing anybody to view the advertising.

they are attempting to create something that will democratize access to space while also allowing for decentralized involvement

Advertising on the cubesatre necessitates the purchase of tokens, which are then used to claim, find, and create a pixel.

Anyone interested in purchasing tokens can do so, albeit the price has not yet been disclosed. Reid also made a probable reference to the “space cola battles” that took place on the space shuttle mission STS-51F in 1985.

Reid, the CEO of SpaceX, claims he met Elon Musk while educating some of the billionaire’s children at his school. Reid has yet to meet Musk in person, but the CEOs are expected to meet “personally” later this year. He expressed his excitement at the possibility of meeting him.

When Business Insider contacted SpaceX about the cubesat cryptocurrency mission, the company declined to comment. Musk did, however, show his enthusiasm for the wider ridesharing goal in May, tweeting “To the mooooonnn!!”

Then, fresh off a Saturday Night Live performance in which Musk joked about memes and cryptocurrencies, Musk stated that this ridesharing trip would be the first time cryptocurrency or memes were used in space.

Neither assertion (the meme nor the cryptocurrency) is easily verifiable; nevertheless, Blockstream, the cryptocurrency, has a satellite network that broadcasts the Bitcoin blockchain as a backup for ground network outages.

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