Helen’s TOP 5 RULES for a happy life

Helen Mirren is going to share a few rules that she has picked up during her life of disasters and triumphs. She calls them Helens top 5 rules for a happy life.

01. Rule number one, don’t be in a rush to get married. 💍
She met her husband Taylor a lot later in her life and it’s worked out great and always give your partner the freedom and support to achieve their ambitions.

02. Treat people just like people. 🍦
A long time ago one of her actress friend did the most simple thing and taught her a huge lesson. They were in the back seat of a car being driven to the location where they were filming and her friend was a smoker. Her friend got out cigarettes and before she lit up she offered the driver. So simple but thoughtful. To her friend, he wasn’t a driver person but a human bean ✌ who might want to smoke. Remember that every single person whether they have dominion over your life or not deserves equal respect and generosity.

03. Ignore anyone who judges the way you look. 🤷‍♀️ Especially if he or she is some anonymous creep lurking on the Internet. 😅

04. Don’t be afraid of fear. 💪 Don’t be afraid of fear don’t let fear rule you but for the moments when you’re challenged by other fears like “Oh am I good enough” “am I smart enough” when you fail! precaution to the winds look fear straightaway.

05. For a happier life don’t overcomplicate things. 😊🍸
You can spend each day just by following these practical pieces of advice. She mentioned some of them like this.
“Don’t procrastinate – especially when saying thank you when it’s merited”
“Don’t lose your sense of humour”
“Do confront bullets”
“Do open your heart to love”

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