Princess Diana’s Death Over People’s Crying and Sobbing.

As dawn breaks on the day of Princess Diana’s funeral. The crowds are already gathering on the streets of London. 20,000 extra policemen and women have been drafted in to monitor the crowds. The largest security operation ever mounted in Britain.

There were a lot of volunteering to work London just had this this feeling that was just so different.

At Westminster Abbey a single chime of the Tanner Bell will be the signal for the soldiers to begin their two-hour journey

Soldiers and police men thought it’s just gonna be quiet sobs and quiet, being English they normally don’t show motion but then you hit the crowd you’ll never forget about the whole thing. You get a huge scream.

Diana we love you…

people are crying

One police men explained that day like this.

one couple that I had been talking to the man blessed him as he blessed himself his wife looked at him and she started to cry.

when she began crying it upset everybody else in front of me and you don’t realize just how contagious that is.

I don’t even think I could count how many people there were that were actually just cry and sobbing

I think we surprised ourselves as a nation on the day because we reacted in a way that felt at times a little bit un-british but I guess my thing will be that’s okay isn’t?

These were people who felt compelled to express such emotion because Princess Diana herself had been someone who wasn’t afraid to show her emotions.

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