Protesters In China Calling For ‘Free Speech’ And, In Many Cases, For Xi’s Removal

The morning after something momentous Shanghai felt like a totally different City the protesters gone police replaced them. Around the hot spots barriers went up and so did the tension. The message here felt abundantly clear more would not be stood for.

Last night in Wuhan (as well where coronavirus first broke out) was reported the people pushing down police barricades and police have used pepper spray demonstrators.

In Shanghai people have been detained by police and protesters were taken away in Vans and buses today from there.

The number of protests have now taken place in Chinese cities there have been demonstrations in arumchi and xinjiang. The xinjiang province is where 10 people died in an apartment fire reportedly because Emergency Services there were hindered by covid lockdown procedures well Gatherings have also taken place across Beijing.

The city’s one of its biggest universities where people sang the national anthem in solidarity protests.

The police presence, it was hard to film anything here but agitation was in the air. As night fell there was a sense the heavy-handedness was working people didn’t gather in large groups as before but there was a Defiance here still in a much quieter form.

The underlying grievance has not gone away zero covered exhaustion images. People made history it has still been extraordinary there’s a sense voices might be quiet for now but not forever.

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