What If You Were Born on Mars?

What Would You Do If You Were Born on Mars? Martians could exist in the future. Instead of the aliens from science fiction films, individuals from Mars will be born and raised on the planet. And you are one of them in this article. 🙂

People would need to start producing children in order to establish a permanent community on Mars. Some estimate that just 98 individuals would be required, while others estimate that at least 10,000 will be required.

It would only take a few generations for us to see a significant difference between Earthlings and Martians, regardless of the size of the breeding population. In the Solar System, Mars is the closest planet to Earth. It is, however, not at all like Earth.

Human existence will be severely hampered by its gravity, atmosphere, and magnetic field. And advancement is often accompanied with difficulties. Every child on the planet is born with 120 genetic mutations.

If you send those youngsters to Mars, they’ll start to develop the necessary mutations to survive there. Those mutations will almost certainly be passed on to their children. We will be able to alter our own DNA by the time we get on Mars, allowing Mars to evolve quickly.

As a result, if you were born in the third or fourth generation of Martians, you would look and act substantially differently than you do now. Then there’s gravity. Mars’ gravity is only one-third that of Earth’s. As a result, your bones will not be subjected to the same force.

Your bones will become fragile and lose their density. It will become common to break them. Then there’s the atmosphere. You’re used to a thick atmosphere made mainly of nitrogen and oxygen on Earth.

On Mars, though, you’d be breathing a thin atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide and containing just small quantity of oxygen. You won’t be able to create a new respiratory system from scratch. However, you may come up with various strategies to deal with the shortage of oxygen.

Capillaries that are more effective in moving blood and delivering oxygen to your muscles may be denser in you. However, even with these advancements, escaping the severe climate requires living underground or in a heavily insulated house.

People on Mars would not need to be able to see so far since they would be restricted to small confines. You’ll be born with near-sightedness. Finally, there’s the matter of radiation. The Earth’s magnetic field shields humans from dangerous solar radiation.

Mars, on the other hand, has a feeble magnetic field that is dispersed over the planet. Our bodies create melanin on our planet. It shields us from radiation that passes through the magnetic field of the Earth. On Mars, though, the radiation would be greater, and the melanin wouldn’t be enough.
Carotenoids, on the other hand, will be produced by your skin. By delaying or halting the cell cycle, this pigment can help protect you against skin cancer. Melanoma cells can potentially self-destruct when exposed to carotenoids.
Carrots get their vivid orange color from them. To put it another way, your skin will turn orange. Will you be able to go to Earth with all of these alterations in your body?

Mars, on the other hand, would not contain the same germs and viruses as Earth.

You’ll have a poorer immune system than an Earthling. That is to say, the earth might be a hazardous environment for you. Even if your immune system is strong, the gravitational pull of the Earth will be too much for your fragile bones.

You’ll almost certainly have to live on Mars if you were born there. For a long time, humans have resembled one another. However, within a few generations of habitation on Mars, we may develop orange, near-sighted humans capable of surviving in low-oxygen environments.

And we’re not likely to stop there once we’ve successfully landed on Mars. Human colonies on all sorts of planets, even those outside the Solar System, may be possible in the future.

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